Anti-Spam System (ASSP)

The new anti-spam tool (called ASSP) is a personalized, learning system. You will need to teach it what is or isn’t spam.

At first, we set everyone’s mailbox to a very low spam protection setting.  Starting on Feb 1, 2018 and then the first work-day of each month thereafter, until we reach the highest protoction protocol, we will be increasing the Anti-Spam protection setting by one step.  We have 5 steps to take us to the maximum protection level.  You will see more mail going to your spambox as we increase  these protocols.  This slow increase of protection will give you time to build your whitelist so that you don't miss any important email.

These settings are for all mailboxes. We cannot tailor this to individual email accounts. They affect everyone as a whole.

Teaching the filter what is or is not spam.

  • If something in your inbox is spam/junk, forward as an attachment, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • If you receive something in the spambox (spam folder) that is not spam, you will need to forward the email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • IMPORTANT: These emails must be sent though your email address using our mail server.
  • To whitelist email addresses:
    • Compose an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a subject of “add to whitelist”.
    • In the main body of the email message, list one address per line.
    • This is how you tell the filter NOT to mark an email as spam. We suggest that you use this right away for any important email addresses you have.
    • Any address you send email to will automatically be whitelisted. This will not be the case for CC: and BCC: addresses. Only the address in the TO: field.
    • This is also how you will import your whitelist from the old server.
  • To blacklist email addresses:
    • Compose an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a subject of “add to blacklist”.
    • In the main body of the email message, list one address per line.
    • This is how you block any address you do not wish to receive email from.
    • This is also how you will import your blacklist from the old server.

Receiving Reports

The new anti-spam system also offers a daily notification email that will give you a list of all email that the computer put in your spambox instead of your inbox from the day before. You can use that report to whitelist (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. from above) any email that is trapped as spam. When whitelisting from the report, you only have 24 hours. However, the email itself is available in your spambox for up to 14 days. You can manually whitelist them using the “forward as attachment” method above.

IMPORTANT NOTE: you must use the Roundcube version of webmail for the report and it's features to work properly. SquirrelMail and Horde are not compatible with this functionality. They look like they work, but do not send the proper pieces to be processed so the email will not get whitelisted like you want.

Response to Sender (bounce back)

If ASSP thinks an email MAY be spam, the system sends an “allow through” response message back to the sender that looks like a bounced email message. The email will contain a code at the end of the message. If the sender re-sends the same email with this code added in the subject, the email will be allowed through the filter. This happens frequently with new senders that include attachements until the system learns who you trust.

While adding the code works, most people do not even look at the details of the returned email message to see the code and instructions. If someone contacts you saying their email was rejected, we recommend adding them to your whitelist using the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. method described above. Or, simply send them an email they can respond to.

System Refresh

Please note that the system updates the spam and whitelist entries immediately but the not-spam is only processed once a day. Once an email domain or address gets onto the spam list, you may need to whitelist and/or not-spam it several times to get it to clear. It will depend on the severity of the ‘spam’ value for that email address or domain. The higher the score the harder it is to clear. The whitelist method should clear it up right away, but may still take 24 hours before it fully clears it due to the not-spam processing. 

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